<aside> 👩🏻‍💻 First project that I and my team did in Apple Developer Academy.

The team consist of 5 people and my role is as the UI/UX Designer. The project took place for one month, from April 8th until April 30th, 2019.


Big Idea

Social Issues

Essential Question

When meeting at an event, why do people who have never known each other have difficulty starting interactions?


Help people to interact in person during an event


The big idea of this project is social issues, which then we specify it into obstacle in interaction.

After doing survey and interviews, we found that:

An event where people gathered is one of the way to gain connection, and most people agree that getting a new connection or new acquaintance in an event is very important because humans are social creatures who need to interact and collaborate to achieve a goal. Benefit of getting new acquaintances is an increase in social connection.

However, people find it difficult to initiate interaction with others in an event because they are confused to find the right topic of conversation and activities in the event might be hectic so it is difficult to find time to communicate. Also, there is often a fear of starting to interact because of the views or judgments from others, insecurity, fear of speaking wrongly, and irritability. Barriers to communication can also be influenced by factors in the form of psychological problems and external problems such as social status, appearance, and culture.

Therefore, we want to create an app that can help people to interact in person during an event, by bringing together people with the same interest so it is easier for them to start a conversation.


After doing research of the problem and gaining insights, we begin to develop our app by making the wireframe first. The wireframe aims to visualize the app concept that we already decided.

The concept of the app is when people already signed up to join an event, the event committee will give them a code to be used in the app. When they input the code in the app, user will be able to see people who are attending the same event and user can also see their interest so that they can connect.

App Design

After finalizing the app through wireframes, we began to make the user interface of the apps and also the prototype.

Users need to have an account to use the app, so they need to sign up and log in if already have an account.

After signing up, they need to fill what are their interests.

After logging in, user will see the homepage which is the event tab. Here, user could see all the event they are attending and they can also input the code of the event they will join by clicking the join button. After inputing the code, the event will appear and user can see the event detail, including schedule, place, and people who join the event and their interest. The app will show how many mutual interest that the attendee and the user have.